The Blue Springs South High School Department of Instrumental Music has a tradition of excellence in the performing arts in a variety of ensembles:
Marching Band
Symphonic Band
Concert Band
Wind Symphony
Winter Guard
Jazz Band
Pep Band
Solo & Ensemble Contests

5-Time Grand Champion - University of Missouri Champion of Champions
Bands of America Super Regional Finalist - Indianapolis, IN, St. Louis, MO
Bands of America Regional Finalist - Dayton, OH, Clarksville, TN
& Powder Springs, GA
2-Time Grand Champion -University of Central Missouri
Festival of Champions
Runner Up in BOA Finals - BOA SE Regional -Powder Springs, GA
Grand Champion - Missouri State University - Ozarko Invitational
Grand Champion - Central Methodist University - Fayette, MO
Grand Champion - St. Charles West, Park Hill (twice), Odessa, Ft. Zumwalt North, Pa Pillion La Vista South, NE, Bentonville, AR

2024 Competitions
Sept 21st
KC Championships
Host- Blue Springs South Jaguar Pride
Sept 28th
GRI - Marching Festival
Blue Springs, Mo
October 5th
Bentonville Marching Invitational
Bentonville, AR
October 12th
Renegade Review
Tulsa, OK
Oct. 25th-27th
Bands of America
St. Louis, Mo