Missouri Band Masters Association
The National Association for Music Education
Mid-Continent Color Guard Association Winter guard and Winter Percussion schedule, scores
and discussion for the local circuit.
Winter Guard International Winter guard and Winter percussion schedules, scores and
discussion for the national circuit.
Drum Corps International Corps information, links, schedules, scores, discussion, video and
audio clips of Drum Corps.
Bands of America National Marching Band shows, schedules, scores and discussion.
Marching TV Instructional information for marching band techniques.
Finale Music Music writing software. You can download finale notepad for free. Students can
use smart music for individual rehearsal.
Free Metronome Online Students can use this at home.
Instrumentalist Magazine Great resource for literature and technique information.
School Band & Orchestra Magazine Check out the “how to series.”
Educational Links
Vic Firth Educational resource for percussionists. Check out the tutor section. You will also find
video clips of Drum Corps and WGI Lines.
Percussive Arts Society Educational society for percussionists.
Xtreme Brass & Percussion Brass educational information
Woodwind Fingering Charts Online fingering charts for most woodwinds.
International Saxophone Educational resource site for Saxophone.
International Clarinet Association Educational resource for Clarinet.
National Flute Association Educational resource for Flute.
International Trumpet Guild Educational resource for Trumpet.
International Horn Society Educational resource for French horn.
International Tuba Euphonium Society Educational resource for Low Brass Instruments.
Miscellaneous Band Information
The Concert Band Educational resource for all concert band members.
Jazz Society Links for Jazz information
Ricci Adams' Music Theory Resource Everything you needed to know about music theory.
Funky Winkerbean What everyone thinks of band.
You Know You're a Band Nerd When.... Over 700 band nerd jokes. Enjoy!